Thursday, March 27, 2014

About the HAMANGIA and the length of the river that flowed through their territory....

The Hamangia culture began around 5250/5200 BC and lasted until around 4550/4500 BC. It was absorbed by the expanding Boian culture in its transition towards the Gumelnitsa.[2]  - from wikipedia

The Hamangia lived in the area of the countries we now know of as.... Romania and Bulgaria

The river that borders those two countries is the DANUBE RIVER.

It is about: 1,777 miles.


  1. Wow! That was such a good and interesting fact! Thank you so much for the assistance, I will definitely tell my friends about this amazing website! Is there any chance I can get the source code for this website? It is absolute eye-candy, and I can’t take mu eyes off the truly aesthetic design! I love this website so much! OMG best site I have ever come to!
    For future google searchers I will be sure to come to this amazing website!

  2. Wow thanks, so cool

  3. I searched on google... It is really 1771 miles, but I use this site all the time for answers for class. THX

  4. ur dumb xdxdxd hahaha noooooooob at fortnite lololol

  5. yall give good anwsers to my problems

  6. OOF on you defaults

  7. Thanks, helped me in Technology class.
